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International Translation Day in Pictures

September 30, 2022

On the occasion of the International Translation Day (ITD) which falls on 30 September each year, the Translators Association of China (TAC) launched a special event to encourage translators and interpreters to look back at their previous practices and submit photos they see best fit the theme of this year's ITD: A World Without Barriers.

By calling for submission of theme photos from Chinese T&I community, the event aims to get more participants involved in the celebration, thus raising the public awareness of the significance of translation and interpreting to cultural exchanges and mutual understanding.

Submission started on 25 August and closed on 10 September. The event attracted wide attention from academia, industry and media, reaching a large audience. In 15 days, 175 photos were submitted, accompanied by description of impressive stories behind the scene. 

Through an online voting with a total of 30,000 votes cast, top 10 photos stood out from all entries. To further promote the event and expand the impact of ITD, a photo album and a video were thus designed and can be accessed through TAC's official WeChat account and website.

Top 10 photos for celebrating ITD