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The 10th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum Initiative

July 8, 2022

The 10th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF10) was held in Beijing from 25 to 26 June. During the closing ceremony, an initiative was launched and announced by Yang Ping, executive council member of the TAC and vice president of the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, calling for further solidarity to respond to common challenges in the new era and to build an Asia-Pacific community of shared future. The full text of the initiative is as follows.

Yang Ping, executive council member of TAC and vice president of the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, announced APTIF10 initiative.

We, representatives of the translation and interpreting community of the Asia-Pacific region and beyond, attended the 10th Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum (APTIF10) in hybrid mode from June 25 to 26, 2022. Some 300 participants from 35 countries and regions conducted in-depth exchanges on the theme of “Collaboration in the World of Translation and Interpreting: New Changes and New Modes in the New Era” and reached broad consensus and delivered successful outcomes.

We have noted that the Asia-Pacific region is the most vibrant region in the world and enjoys great potential for further development. In recent years, closer cooperation, rising economic power, and increasing global influence of the region have created the Asia-Pacific miracle.

We hold the common belief that translation, as a bridge between nations and countries, plays an indispensable role in people-to-people and cultural exchanges in the region, enabling fruits of civilization to be shared by all, advancing regional integration, and promoting cooperation and development.

As our region and the whole world are still threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic and faced with many uncertainties, we propose the following efforts to meet the common challenges:

Eliminating barriers and promoting people-to-people exchanges. We should support communication among associations and personnel of the Asia-Pacific T&I community and launch practical cooperation programs to strengthen mutual understanding and mutual learning, and tap the potential of translation to link peoples and cultures.

Advancing with the times and innovating models of cooperation. We should promote experience sharing and coordination in the T&I community by taking advantage of opportunities provided by new technology. New modes may be adopted for cooperation in T&I practice, teaching research, and public services to expand the T&I industry and profession, meet the needs of our times, and lift Asia-Pacific cooperation to new heights. 

Strengthening solidarity for common development. We should build on existing T&I exchange and cooperation mechanisms and strengthen solidarity among the T&I community under the principles of openness and mutual benefits to form regional synergy for common development.

We propose that the T&I community in the Asia-Pacific region consolidate the mechanism of the Asia-Pacific Translation and Interpreting Forum, including its Joint Committee, expand the forum’s membership, facilitate dialogue, communication, and cooperation between the Asia-Pacific T&I community and international organizations and their member associations, including the International Federation of Translators (FIT), and prepare for the establishment of the FIT Asia-Pacific Center.

The world will prosper only when the Asia-Pacific does well. Let us build consensus, pool our strengths, and shoulder our responsibilities to address common challenges. Let us work together to build an Asia-Pacific community of shared future and advance peaceful development, prosperity, and stability in the Asia-Pacific region and the wider world.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to the hosts of APTIF10—the International Federation of Translators (FIT), the Translators Association of China, and the organizer, Beijing Foreign Studies University, for their efforts and thoughtful arrangements for the forum.